Tianfu Group Joined Hands with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute, the Strategic Partner and Topnotch Chinese Research Organ, to Unveil the "Industrial Research Salon"

Date:Mar 27,2018
On March 26, Tianfu Group joined hands with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute,  its strategic partner and one of the topnotch Chinese research organs, to hold the first workshop of "Industrial Research Salon Series - Mineral and Energy". Staffs from the corresponding departments of Tianfu Bank, Tianfu Management, Tianfu Financial Leasing and Tianfu Mining and Energy Devision joined this salon. 

Senior analyst Ye Xuchen and Dr. Shen Heng of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute were invited to share the updates and key regional development modes in the sectors of new energy and new material. 

Ye Xuchen : Chief analyst of public utilities, director of Energy and Environment Protection Department and head of research -Beijing Center, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute. No. 1 best analyst of public utilities, New Fortune, 2015-2017.x
Shen Heng : Bsc of Nanjing University and Dsc of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; joined Shenwan Hongyuan in May 2017 and in charge of fine chemical and chemical new material researches 
The "Industrial Research Salon" series organized by Tianfu Group are expected to utilize the professional resources of Shenwan Hongyuan to provide think tank supports to our staffs and keep them updated with the industrial information, research results and development trend, with special focus on corporate development dynamics, national financial conditions and macroeconomic regulatory policies. 

Ye Xuchen Delivered a Keynote Speech

Dr. Shen Heng Made Presentations
"Industrial Research Salon" series will be organized continuously to further improve the professional ability to deliver joint services, the professionalism in customer service, the professionalism of staffs, the creativity in product development and the efficiency in resource integration and thus realize joint development and intelligence output in a higher quality. 


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