Second Industrial Research Salon Series: Agriculture Successfully Held

Date:Apr 13,2018
On the afternoon of April 13, the Industrial Research Salon Series: Agriculture, sponsored by Tianfu Group and presided over by Tianfu's strategic partner Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, was held in Chengdu as scheduled. Representatives of corporate clients in the agricultural industry were also invited to attend the salon as special guests together with staffs from the agricultural division of Tianfu Bank and Tianfu Group. All the elite participants discussed on the status-quo and development trend of agriculture against the current economic situation.
Mr. Zhao Jinhou, chief analyst and director of Consumer Product Research Department of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute, was invited to deliver a keynote speech. Mr. Zhao introduced the general market situation, the reform in the agricultural supply chain and the technologies and risks involved in the breeding modes, shared some real cases and interacted with the audience. 

Zhao Jinhou:Chief analyst of Shenwan Hongyuan Research Institute; joined Shenwan Hongyuan Research Institute in 1999 and specialized in research on agricultural, forestry, pasturage and fishing industries; currently director of Consumer Product Research Department of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute and ranked as the No. 1 analyst in agricultural, forestry, pasturage and fishing industries by New Fortune for a couple of times.
Mr. Zhao Jinhou, chief analyst and director of Consumer Product Research Department of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Research Institute
Representatives of corporate clients and the coworkers present in the salon exchanged their views and opinions with Mr. Zhao on the status-quo and development of agricultural breeding. All guests believed that such an industrial research salon was a very good way of communication and exchange and would help greatly in future customer service as it kept them updated with the industrial research information and enabled them to directly share their respective experiences. 

Representatives of corporate clients listened carefully

Frequent field interactions
Tianfu Group will keep exploring and improving the special salons of various sectors in the future and take them as an industrial showcase, a platform for resource integration and a venue for brainstorming in order to better assist in the development of SMEs. 


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